- Ancient Greeks and Romans discovered asbestos and found many uses for its resistance to heat (they even knew it caused lung sickness)
- Romans used cork in their shoes to keep their feet warm
- Ancients Hawaiians used fluffy molten lava fibers to blanket their huts
- Spray foam is a relatively new product that when settles expands then hardens
- In the Middle Ages they hung up large tapestries to help keep out the drafts
- Modern day building laws have become much stricter and for energy efficient homes you should follow the US Department of Energy’s insulation guidelines: Click here
- Early North American frame walls were filled with sawdust and corn cobs
- The energy crisis coupled with the health issues related to asbestos led to an increase in fiberglass
- Blown cellulose is made from recycled newspaper
- Insulation comes in all kinds of materials—newspaper, glass, hemp, flax, chemicals, straw and sheep’s wool

10 Fascinating Insulation Facts

Josh Lowe